The Dos and Don’ts of Dressing for a Business Photoshoot

As a decision maker responsible for procuring photography and video production services for your business or organization, you understand the importance of creating a professional image. Whether it’s for marketing materials, corporate headshots, or promotional videos, the way your team presents themselves can greatly impact the perception of your brand. One key aspect of this presentation is attire – what your team wears in photos and videos can speak volumes about your company culture, values, and professionalism.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the dos and don’ts of dressing for a business photoshoot to ensure that your team looks polished, professional, and aligned with your brand identity.

Steer clear of clothing with overwhelming prints that may draw attention away from your team members’ faces.

The Dos:

1. Dress Appropriately for Your Industry:

Consider the norms and expectations within your industry. While some sectors may require formal attire such as suits and ties, others may embrace a more casual or creative dress code. Ensure that your team’s attire reflects the industry standards while still aligning with your brand’s image.

2. Choose Solid Colors:

Solid colors tend to photograph better than busy patterns or logos. Opt for neutral tones like black, gray, navy, or white, as they convey professionalism and are less likely to distract from your team’s faces.

3. Pay Attention to Fit:

Well-fitted clothing not only looks more professional but also translates better on camera. Avoid clothes that are too tight or too loose, as they can create unflattering silhouettes.

4. Mind the Details:

Pay attention to grooming details such as clean haircuts, neatly trimmed facial hair, and polished shoes. Small details can make a big difference in how your team is perceived.

5. Consider Brand Colors:

Incorporate your brand’s colors into your attire subtly. This could be through accessories like ties, scarves, or jewelry, or by choosing clothing in hues that complement your brand palette.

The Don’ts:

1. Avoid Loud Patterns and Logos:

Busy patterns and large logos can be distracting in photos and videos. Steer clear of clothing with overwhelming prints that may draw attention away from your team members’ faces.

2. Say No to Wrinkled or Ill-Fitting Clothes:

Wrinkled or ill-fitting clothing can give the impression of sloppiness or lack of attention to detail. Ensure that your team’s attire is well-pressed and properly tailored for a polished look.

3. Skip Trendy or Revealing Outfits:

While it’s important to showcase your team’s personality, avoid trendy or overly revealing clothing choices that may not age well or align with your brand’s image in the long term.

4. Don’t Overdo Accessories:

While accessories can add personality to an outfit, too many can clutter the overall look. Keep accessories minimal and tasteful to maintain a professional appearance.

5. Steer Clear of Distracting Colors:

Bright, neon colors or overly vibrant hues can be distracting in photos and videos. Opt for muted or neutral tones that complement your team’s skin tones and convey professionalism.

As a full-service video and photography production company, St Louis Corporate Photographer has the expertise and resources to ensure that your business photoshoots are a success. With our experienced creative crew and top-of-the-line equipment, we specialize in capturing professional images that reflect your brand identity and resonate with your target audience.

From full-service studio and location photography and video production to editing, post-production, and licensed drone pilots, we offer comprehensive services tailored to meet your diverse media requirements. Our team is well-versed in all file types, styles of media, and accompanying software, ensuring that your photography and video branding is optimized for maximum impact.

If you’re ready to elevate your brand’s image through professional photography and video production, contact us today. Let St Louis Corporate Photographer be your partner in capturing the essence of your business with stunning visual content.

Contact us now to discuss your corporate photography and video needs and discover how we can help you stand out in the St. Louis area.


Common Questions About Corporate Headshots

Whether you’re a seasoned executive, an entrepreneur, or an aspiring professional, a well-crafted corporate headshot can make a significant impact on your professional image. As an experienced corporate photographer at St. Louis Corporate Photographer, I understand the intricacies of corporate headshot photography and the questions that often arise when individuals seek this service. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll address some of the most common questions related to corporate headshots and provide expert insights to help you make informed decisions.

Update your LinkedIn profile and other social media profiles with your new corporate headshot to maintain a professional online presence.

What Constitutes a Corporate Headshot?

A corporate headshot is a professional photograph that typically focuses on the individual’s face and upper body. These images are widely used for corporate profiles, LinkedIn profiles, business websites, marketing materials, and more. A well-executed corporate headshot communicates professionalism, approachability, and trustworthiness.

Why Invest in a Professional Corporate Headshot?

1. Creating a Strong First Impression

Your corporate headshot often serves as the first impression you make on potential clients, employers, or partners. A professional headshot conveys competence, confidence, and credibility, which are essential attributes in the business world.

2. Establishing a Strong Brand

Consistent and high-quality corporate headshots contribute to building a strong personal or corporate brand. They enhance your online presence and make you easily recognizable in professional circles.

3. Career Advancement

In many industries, a polished corporate headshot is a valuable asset for career growth. It can positively influence hiring decisions and open doors to new opportunities.

How Should I Prepare for a Corporate Headshot Session?

1. Wardrobe Selection

Choose attire that aligns with your professional image and the message you want to convey. Solid colors and classic styles often work best, while avoiding distracting patterns or logos is advisable.

2. Personal Grooming

Pay attention to personal grooming, including hairstyle, makeup (if applicable), and skincare. Hiring a professional makeup artist or stylist can elevate your look.

3. Posing and Expression

During the session, your photographer will provide guidance on posing and expressions to capture your best angles and convey the desired message.

Indoor Studio vs. Outdoor Location

One common consideration is whether to opt for an indoor studio or an outdoor location for your corporate headshot. Here’s a brief overview of the advantages of both options:

Indoor Studio:

  • Controlled Lighting: Studios offer controlled lighting conditions, ensuring consistent and high-quality results.
  • Privacy: Studios provide a private and distraction-free setting for your session.
  • Customization: Studios often offer a variety of backdrops and props for creative customization.

Outdoor Location:

  • Natural Light: Outdoor locations can provide beautiful natural light, which can create a different aesthetic.
  • Contextual Backgrounds: An outdoor setting can add context to your headshot, such as an urban backdrop or a natural environment.
  • Versatility: Outdoor locations offer flexibility for varied looks and styles.

The choice between studio and location depends on your goals and personal preferences.

What Qualifies a Photographer as Experienced in Corporate Headshots?

When choosing a professional corporate photographer, experience is paramount. Here are some indicators of an experienced corporate photographer:

1. Technical Proficiency

Experienced photographers are skilled in using a range of camera equipment, lighting setups, and editing software to achieve exceptional results.

2. Posing and Guidance

They have a deep understanding of posing techniques and can direct you to achieve natural and flattering expressions.

3. Portfolio

An experienced photographer will have a strong portfolio showcasing their previous corporate headshot work, demonstrating their ability to capture diverse styles and personalities.

4. Client Testimonials

Positive reviews and testimonials from past clients serve as evidence of their professionalism and expertise.

What Equipment is Necessary for a Corporate Headshot Session?

Experienced corporate photographers invest in high-quality equipment to ensure outstanding results. Essential equipment includes:

1. Camera and Lenses

Professional-grade cameras and a selection of lenses are used to capture sharp and detailed images.

2. Lighting Setup

In-studio photographers use specialized lighting equipment to control and shape light, while outdoor photographers may utilize reflectors and diffusers to manipulate natural light.

3. Backdrops and Props

Indoor studios often have various backdrops and props to choose from, allowing for customization based on your brand and preferences.

How Long Does a Corporate Headshot Session Take?

The duration of a corporate headshot session can vary based on several factors:

1. Complexity of the Session

If you require multiple outfit changes or different backgrounds, the session may take longer.

2. Number of Final Images

The number of final images you need can also affect the session length.

3. Photographer’s Efficiency

Experienced photographers work efficiently to capture a variety of poses and expressions within a reasonable timeframe.

On average, a corporate headshot session can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

What Happens After the Corporate Headshot Session?

After your corporate headshot session, your photographer will typically provide you with a selection of proofs or images to choose from. You’ll have the opportunity to select your favorite shots for retouching and final delivery.

Retouching and Post-Production

Professional retouching and post-production are vital steps in the corporate headshot photography process. These steps include:

1. Color Correction

Adjusting color balance and correcting any color issues in the images.

2. Skin Retouching

Removing blemishes, wrinkles, and imperfections while maintaining a natural appearance.

3. Enhancements

Enhancing features like eyes and teeth to make you look your best.

4. Background Editing

If necessary, background editing to achieve the desired look.

Choosing the Perfect Corporate Headshot

Selecting the ideal corporate headshot from your proofs can be challenging. Consider the following when making your decision:

1. Your Objectives

Think about the purpose of the headshot and the message you want to convey.

2. Composition and Lighting

Evaluate the composition, lighting, and overall quality of the image.

3. Expression

Choose an image where your expression reflects your professional persona and brand.

Pricing and Packages

The cost of corporate headshot photography can vary depending on factors like location, photographer’s experience, and the number of final images. It’s essential to discuss pricing and available packages with your chosen photographer before the session.

Maximizing the Use of Your Corporate Headshots

Once you have your professional corporate headshots, you can leverage them across various platforms and media types:

1. LinkedIn and Social Media

Update your LinkedIn profile and other social media profiles with your new corporate headshot to maintain a professional online presence.

2. Business Collateral

Incorporate your headshot into business cards, brochures, and other marketing materials to create a cohesive brand identity.

3. Website and Blog

Utilize your corporate headshots on your business website and blog to visually connect with your audience.

The St. Louis Corporate Photographer Advantage

As a full-service professional corporate photography studio, St. Louis Corporate Photographer offers the expertise and resources needed for successful corporate headshot photography. Our advantages include:

1. Studio and Location Options

We provide both indoor studio and outdoor location photography to cater to your specific needs and preferences.

2. Editing and Post-Production Excellence

Our team of skilled editors ensures that your corporate headshots receive the necessary retouching and post-production enhancements for a polished final result.

3. Customization for Diverse Branding Needs

We can tailor your corporate headshots to suit various branding and marketing requirements, ensuring their versatility across different platforms.

4. Mastery of All Media Types and Styles

We are well-versed in handling all file types and styles of media, along with the accompanying software, to meet your unique branding and marketing needs.

If you’re ready to elevate your professional image with exceptional corporate headshots, St. Louis Corporate Photographer is here to assist you. Contact us today to schedule your corporate headshot session and experience the difference that our experienced team can make in showcasing your professional best.

Call to Action:

As a full-service corporate photography studio, St. Louis Corporate Photographer has proudly served numerous businesses and agencies in the St. Louis area for their corporate photography needs. If you’re looking to enhance your professional image and make a lasting impact, contact us today to schedule your corporate headshot session and take the first step toward achieving your visual branding goals.
