PR Event Photos & Video Streaming

PR events of all types and sizes.
PR events of all types and sizes.

We pride ourselves on being able to successfully execute events of all types and sizes. Our clients know that they can rely on our experienced and professional staff to capture stunning images and provide top-notch customer service from start to finish.

Our team is comprised of talented photographers and videographers, as well as a great client services team. We all work together to make sure that each client’s individual needs are met.

We pride ourselves in not only being a St Louis photographer who delivers great images, but also on being dependable, professional in dress and manor and responsive to all of your PR photography and event requests. Written photography estimates or references from past photography clients are always available.

Our work has been showcased in local, national and international newspapers, global trade and special interest magazines. Our clients include small family owned businesses and Fortune 500 companies, plus hundreds of local businesses, entrepreneurs, artists and individuals.

We can also provide turnkey video production services ranging from multi-camera shoots, animation and motion graphics, to live-streaming, post production, and complete video editing.  

Our corporate webcasting and live video streaming solutions can extend the life, and value, of your presentations in a variety of ways.

The value of live webcasts can be extended with the archive — by leveraging your valuable content to other mediums. Incorporating chats, twitter feeds, message boards, in to your webcast, helps you promote and carry the conversation with your audience.

Why Business Event Photography is Crucial for Your Brand’s Image

In the fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape, every opportunity to enhance your brand’s image should be embraced. One often overlooked aspect of brand building is professional event photography. Capturing the essence and excitement of your business events through high-quality photography can significantly impact your brand’s image and perception. In this article, we will delve into why business event photography is crucial and how it can benefit your brand.

The Power of Visual Storytelling

In today’s visually driven society, the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” has never been more relevant. Humans are naturally drawn to images and storytelling, and professional event photography offers a powerful way to tell your brand’s story visually.

Business events provide a unique opportunity to showcase your brand’s values, culture, and expertise. Whether it’s a conference, trade show, product launch, or corporate gala, these events represent important milestones and achievements for your brand. Professional event photography captures the energy, excitement, and key moments of these events, allowing you to share the story with your audience.

Through captivating visuals, event photography can convey the atmosphere, interactions, and emotions experienced during the event. It helps potential customers, partners, and stakeholders connect with your brand on a deeper level. By showcasing the highlights and key takeaways of your events, you can create a lasting impression and generate interest in your brand.

Building Credibility and Trust

Professional event photography also plays a crucial role in building credibility and trust for your brand. When people see well-executed and visually appealing event photos, it enhances the perception of your brand’s professionalism and success.

Consider the impact of high-quality event photos on your website, social media, or marketing materials. They demonstrate that your brand is active, engaged, and committed to providing valuable experiences for its audience. It showcases your brand’s ability to organize and execute successful events, which can be particularly influential for potential clients or business partners.

Furthermore, event photography allows you to capture key moments, such as presentations, panel discussions, or networking interactions. These photos serve as proof of your brand’s expertise and thought leadership in your industry. When people see influential speakers, engaged attendees, or vibrant discussions through event photography, it instills confidence in your brand and positions you as a credible authority.

Social Proof and User-Generated Content

In the age of social media and user-generated content, event photography can provide valuable social proof for your brand. When attendees and participants share event photos on their own social media platforms, it amplifies your brand’s reach and visibility.

People tend to trust and engage with content created by their peers more than traditional marketing materials. By encouraging attendees to share their experiences through event photos, you tap into the power of user-generated content. These authentic visuals demonstrate real people enjoying and benefiting from your events, making your brand more relatable and trustworthy.

User-generated event photos also serve as valuable social proof. They showcase that your events are well-attended, engaging, and enjoyable. This can motivate others to attend future events and engage with your brand. By leveraging event photography for social proof, you create a virtuous cycle of attracting more attendees and building a positive brand image.

Brand Differentiation and Promotion

In a crowded marketplace, setting your brand apart from the competition is crucial. Professional event photography can help differentiate your brand and promote its unique offerings.

Through event photos, you can highlight the distinctive elements of your events that make them memorable and valuable. This could be the design and setup, guest speakers, interactive sessions, or networking opportunities. By showcasing these unique aspects, you communicate what sets your events apart and why attendees should choose your brand over others.

Event photography also provides valuable promotional material for future events. These visuals can be repurposed across various marketing channels, such as social media, email campaigns, and website banners. Sharing compelling event photos generates anticipation and excitement for upcoming events, driving attendance and engagement.

Moreover, event photography can be used to create a consistent and recognizable brand image. By employing consistent visual styles, colors, and branding elements in your event photos, you reinforce your brand’s identity and make it more memorable. This consistency helps your audience associate the captured moments with your brand, further strengthening brand recognition and recall.

Long-Term Brand Legacy

Professional event photography goes beyond immediate marketing and promotional efforts. It contributes to building a long-term brand legacy by preserving important moments in your brand’s history.

As your brand grows and evolves, your events become part of your brand’s narrative. Event photography captures milestones, achievements, and key collaborations that contribute to your brand’s story. These photos serve as a visual record of your brand’s journey and can be used to reflect on your growth and accomplishments.

Event photos can also be valuable assets for future content creation, such as blog posts, case studies, or annual reports. They provide visual evidence of your brand’s impact, success stories, and industry involvement. Utilizing event photography in your content strategy adds depth, authenticity, and credibility to your brand’s storytelling.

Tips for Effective Business Event Photography

To ensure that your business event photography effectively enhances your brand’s image, consider the following tips:

  1. Hire a professional photographer: Invest in a skilled and experienced event photographer who understands your brand’s vision and can capture the essence of your events.
  2. Communicate your brand identity: Provide guidelines and brief the photographer on your brand’s visual style, colors, and key elements to ensure consistency in the captured images.
  3. Capture key moments and interactions: Work with the photographer to identify the critical elements, speakers, and interactions that represent the essence of your events. Ensure that these moments are captured effectively.
  4. Focus on candid shots: Candid photos capture genuine emotions, interactions, and energy during the event. These photos convey a sense of authenticity and engagement, making your brand more relatable.
  5. Include diverse perspectives: Capture a variety of attendees, speakers, and activities to showcase the inclusivity and diversity of your events. This helps create an inclusive and welcoming brand image.
  6. Prompt attendees to share: Encourage attendees to share their event photos on social media by creating event-specific hashtags or providing incentives. This amplifies your brand’s reach and engagement.
  7. Curate and share selectively: Choose the best event photos that align with your brand’s image and values for sharing. Be mindful of the context and platforms where you share the images to ensure maximum impact.


Business event photography holds immense value in shaping your brand’s image and perception. It allows you to visually tell your brand’s story, build credibility and trust, generate social proof, differentiate your brand, and preserve a long-term brand legacy. By investing in professional event photography and utilizing the captured images strategically, you can enhance your brand’s visibility, engagement, and reputation. So, embrace the power of event photography and unlock its potential to elevate your brand’s image in the competitive business landscape.